5'7" Simon Shapes Mirco Wing Fish Volan


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“I began shaping when I was 14. The process of shaping my first surfboard, and the stoke that was generated from that process is something that I will never forget.

From first dabbling in making surfboards with a couple of friends in the beginning of high school to the present, my interest and excitement in every aspect of it has only grown. It has given me the pleasure of always having something fun to look forward to, an outlet of total freedom of expression, and most importantly it has given me direction and a goal in my life.

Every surfboard with my name on it was hand shaped by myself with a few hand tools and my planer at my shop in Ventura, California. I truly enjoy the process of creating a functional surfboard that serves a purpose in your life. The future of surfboard design excites me as I’m constantly looking forward, trying new things, and having fun along the way. I look forward to working with you on the next addition to your quiver!” - John Simon